4 Facts To Know About Injection Molding

Injection molding is used within factories to produce a more significant number of parts at one time. An engineer designs a mold to suit another company’s need, such as a part commonly used and required in mass quantity. This technique dramatically benefits the industry, offering convenience and efficiency. The following are four facts you may not know about the process.
1. It’s Been Around Since the 1800s
John Wesley Hyatt and Isaiah Hyatt, two brothers, conceived and patented this production in 1872, boosting manufacturing capability. Their innovation used a plunger to put plastic into a cylinder and mold. It became a popular way to increase fabricating buttons and hair combs.
2. It’s Environmentally Friendly
In today’s green world, companies seek more and more ways to streamline production and reduce waste. When you use a plastic injection mold making company for your services, you reduce excess. What is leftover can be ground up and melted for another batch.